The Karmic Challenge – Week 20 is Completely Stupid!

This karmic post is about the things I did NOT do.

This week, I did NOT go to a fabulous Cocktail Party to support the local vets setting out to doctor the diseased dogs of Utopia.


Utopia. An Aboriginal community with a dog problem.  Each year some generously inclined vets go up there (it’s in the outback) and desex the dogs and treat their various diseases, for free.

The night of the party happened to be Saturday, a day which is firmly dedicated (usually) to bonding sessions over bacon and action movies with Mr F.  So I threw aside (reluctantly) my low cut spangly black cocktail dress and stilettos, and gave them the entrance price instead.

Also this week, I DID NOT go to a fund raising movie ‘Not My Life’ about Connecting Hands, an organisation which rescues people from sex slavery.

Connecting Hands.  Connecting Hands is an Australian non-government organisation which raises awareness about human trafficking and supports children and young women rescued from sexual slavery in Cambodia. The organisation was inspired by the true story of a former Cambodian sex slave, Somaly Mam, who was sold into sexual slavery at 12 years old. She was tortured and raped every day and after many years of abuse escaped. Connecting Hands partners directly with a Cambodian organisation established by Somaly called Acting for Women in Distressing Situations (AFESIP).

And, I DID NOT go with my newly-joined social group for women who like women but don’t want to tongue kiss them, Sisterhood.  Why didn’t I? Because…

I arrived at the venue at the appointed time.  Glasses of champagne were being bandied around, and a plump jazzy songstress was singing soothingly sultry music from a stand in the corner.  I looked around at the assembled charity-goers – and realised that I did not know what any member of Sisterhood looked like!! That is because I was in a hurry and under-prepared. I am ALWAYS in a hurry and under-prepared!

So I wandered over to this likely looking gaggle of middle aged women and said, hi there, excuse me, but are you Sisterhood?

They looked at me in puzzlement. Sisterhood?

Yup. Sisterhood.  It’s

Oh. No, sorry, never heard of it.

Ok thanks then.  Well, how many motley groups of strange looking women can there BE in this enclosed VIP space! As it turns out, LOTS.

I think I must have wandered up to just about everyone there who was female and hanging around with one or more other females, and asked them if THEY were Sisterhood.  They weren’t.

By this time, I’m feeling like a total idiot.  Because of course the film is fully booked anyway, and I am under the impression that the organiser of Sisterhood has got me a ticket.  So I can’t go IN – and I can’t go OUT. All I can do is stand around looking like a C grade movie actor trying to get into Brad Pitt’s after party.

So then I think, stuff this.  I could be at home! I could be reading by my fire! I could go to bed early! (and that’s actually a very tempting prospect).  So I leave.

When I get home I check the Sisterhood site, just to see if one of the women I approached WAS in fact Sisterhood, and was just hiding the fact so that some weird chick (me) wouldn’t sit next to her in the movie.  And I find that even if I had found Sisterhood, I was supposed to have bought my own ticket, so I couldn’t have sat next to her in the bloody movie, cause it was FULL.

So again – I donated.  ALL the money, none of the fun.  Next time, I may take a slightly less dotty approach to social outings.

ALSO – I did NOT go to see elderly Mr L (yet).  I’ve been too busy NOT doing other things!

Points: 10 for donating, minus 2 for being an idiot.  And no it’s not Alzheimers, it’s just Rose.  When I go senile, no one will notice.


  1. Rose, no points deducted for being an ‘idiot’ because you aren’t one. I had the same problem at the meetup movie night I went to, they seem to assume that they stand out or something, I spent 10 minutes or so asking people if there were meetup people and got some very strange looks. Nope we all have bad weeks!!! I just spent 30 minutes ripping my flat apart looking for the spare keys for my car, only to find them right where I put them, I just could see them in my rush to find them. Your week is going to get better I know it, good things always come to good people, eventually, CS xoxo

  2. I see you have gained some new wisdom instead of being stupid this week, like you said, it is a karma seed that might prove useful in future =)!

    1. Now that’s an idea! But no..perhaps i should just go back to being super nice to people. I do that at work, mind you. i take all sorts of trouble for those oldies who ring in cause they’ve lost their wallet at the mall and so on. (On the company’s time and phone, but, you know, nice is nice!)

  3. Ahhh Rose. Sorry the sisters weren’t very sisterly. However, good news! I’m going to take Don and Liz to “Not my Life”. Ticket prices are outrageous, so i hope the filmmakers get a good cut.

    As far as the Vets … i hope to meet them some day, seriously. I have a new idea for a Karma Bucket list (tbd).

    I’m sorry animals have to lose their happy hormones, but we can’t overpopulate and then euthanize, or worse, have our lovely animals starve (or worse). hmmm.

    OK, my karmic thinking is, you should get at least 10 points (i’m trying to be reasonable here) for first, looking INTO these activities, and second, engaging in these activities … regardless of social poopoo, and/or rude Sisters of the ‘hood.

    Bravo for contributing financially … many people find it simple to whip off a check and do NOT engage with the cause.

    Millions of points. xo

    1. Are you really? I hope it doesn’t depress you too much. sometimes I get very depressed thinking about the things people do to other people and other creatures, I just want not to be here to know about it. I hope they get a good cut too! You’re a brick, Mel! (that is, a good sort, not an actual small hard thing). Seriously, I hope you come out and visit us someday, i think you would like our cute little (big) country.

      1. OH my … i’m second-thinking Not My Life. I may have to whip off a check to the cause of Man’s humanity to man, animals and the lot! Well, actually, i do whip off checks now, and it’s not such a bad thing. Not terribly sociable (digressing) …

        You know, i can’t even watch the Humane Society ads on TV. Thanks to commercials i contribute to ASPCA and the Humane Society on their monthly “plan”. BUT, they haven’t stopped showing those commercials. I guess my wee contribution won’t cure evil. I can’t bear the cruelty to animals, and people.

        Yes, the bucket list idea is that, i’ve met so many lovely, talented FUN people, i want to visit EVERYONE! Well, I’m definitely visiting Australia, i just hope it’s soon, and that D doesn’t cheap out on me. I’d rather not go all the way around the world alone.

        D love Australia, and i feel like i know your family and your pets and Capt. Savage, and HIS kids and all that kind of stuff. I hope i get out there soon!

        D and i are discussing travel this weekend (a short trip to Lake Geneva, WI) for a romp-around up there 😉 and i will put my bids in for Australia. I may ask for travel tips. xo mel

      2. I can’t watch those ads either, I just get too upset. Stupid soft westerner i guess. There are lots of beautiful places you can go here! i haven’t been to nearly all of them though – plans, plans! You need lots of time though, this is a seriously huge country and you need to be able to just lie around as well as seeing things. A minimum of a month, I would say, and you could easily spend more! Aussies also are pretty friendly, mostly (though sometimes fat, sweaty and alcoholic).

  4. Well, give yourself five points for filling my last couple days with pleasure as I completed your novel. Really, really like your writing style.

    By the way, have you read Somaly Mam’s book “The Road of Lost Innocence”? Was a difficult but eye-opening read. You should check it out if you haven’t already.

  5. No I haven’t. I will. Thank you for that steer. i know it will be upsetting, though. One has to concentrate on those people who do good, I guess – focus HARD. And thank you so much for reading my novel and for your lovely comments!

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